2005 School All-Star Winners

Tropical Elementary
Merritt Island, Florida

2005 School All-Star Winners These fifth- and sixth-grade students were sad to learn that many dogs in their local animal shelter were being put to sleep because nobody would adopt them. With their teacher, they thought up Canine Commandos. They visited shelters and trained scared and out-of-control dogs.

As teammate Justin W. said, "A lot of people saw the dogs being trained and decided to adopt them while we were training them!" The program was a huge success and is now entering its third year.

Q. Why did you create Canine Commandos?

    Sarah M.: Everyone loved the dogs, and we thought it'd be a good idea to help them out.

Q. What did you do to train the dogs?

    Karen P.: First we clicker-trained. When a dog that barked a lot inside the shelter became calm, we made a clicking noise with a tiny metal toy and gave it a treat.

    Garrett M.: We also taught them sit, down, come and stay. We had to keep training them over and over.

Q. What advice can you give to other kid volunteers?

    Garrett M.: Try to help the community in any way you can.

    Justin W.: Just get out there and do it!

    Sarah M.: It's great to volunteer, and you always feel good when you know you've helped somebody out.

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