Animal CareImportant ResearchConservation Issues
Environmentality: Disney & Animals: Disney's Animal Kingdom

Cotton-top Tamarin
Proyecto Tití
(Project Tamarin)

Proyecto Tití is a multi-disciplinary in situ (field) conservation program that combines field research, education programs, and community programs to make the conservation of natural resources economically feasible for local communities in Colombia. The program is designed to provide useful information to assist in the long-term preservation of the endangered cotton-top tamarin and to develop local community advocates to promote conservation efforts in Colombia.

Since its inception in 1985, Proyecto Tití has been committed to raising public awareness of the plight of the cotton-top tamarin through a variety of projects involving numerous individuals and organizations. The field program began in Colosó in 1987 and in 1999 we moved our field program to Santa Catalina. The field staff is composed of Colombian biologists and field assistants who are responsible for the daily operations of both the field and educational aspects of the program. Latin American students are also provided with training in field biology and grass-roots conservation methods.

According to Dr. Anne Savage, who is the program director in addition to her duties at Disney's Animal Kingdom, "Developing effective long-term conservation programs requires more than just scientific studies. It requires a multidisciplinary approach that combines field research and effective scientific assessments of habitats, as well as community programs that involve local inhabitants in culturally relevant, action-based programs. Making the conservation of natural habitats and resources economically feasible for local communities will insure the survival of not only the cotton-top tamarin, but the native flora and fauna of Colombia. Our goal, therefore, is to use the cotton-top tamarin as the flagship species for the conservation of Colombia's natural resources."

If you would like more information on cotton-tops visit the program Web site.

You can see cotton-top tamarins at the Tree of Life
inside Disney's Animal Kingdom.