Environmentality: Disney & Animals: Disney's Animal Kingdom

Tracking Juvenile Green Sea Turtles
In collaboration with the Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research (ACCSTR) of the University of Florida, we are able to track juvenile sea turtles that were rehabilitated at the Living Seas at Epcot and have been released into the wild. Previous studies at ACCSTR have tracked adult turtles using satellite transmitters; however, the technology had not been "miniaturized" for use with smaller turtles. This year marks an exciting new step in monitoring turtles, since there is now a prototype transmitter that is small enough to attach to juvenile turtles. A computerized map at the Wildlife Tracking Center depicts the movements of two juvenile sea turtles that were released at Port St. Josephine, Florida. By studying these turtles we hope to learn more about their behavior and where they are spending their time.