Disney Hand
Disney Hand


The spirit of volunteerism is alive and well at The Walt Disney Company. Through the DisneyHand Web site, you can learn more about the volunteer programs and community service awards that Disney has to offer.

Since the company's founding, Disney's philosophy has been to make volunteerism a priority. The company has implemented many volunteer programs and given countless community service awards to its employees, or cast members, and member of the community at large. These programs include:


The mission of the Disney VoluntEARS program is to develop opportunities for Disney employees to experience volunteerism by contributing their personal time, expertise and effort to make a positive impact on their communities while furthering the traditions and ideals of The Walt Disney Company.

In 1983, in order to meet the needs of the community and because of a desire by Disney Cast Members (employees) to provide meaningful service to the community, the Disneyland Community Action Team (DCAT) was formed. This dedicated group of Disneyland Cast Members assisted many non-profit organizations in the Orange County, California area.  The volunteer programs were varied and included, among others, being huggers at the Special Olympics; hosting a 5 and 10K Run through Disneyland to raise funds for Orangewood Children's Home; and hosting a party at a nursing home during the holidays and participating in other community services.

In response to the Presidents' Summit for America's Future held in 1997, The Walt Disney Company and its employees committed to contribute One Million Volunteer Community Service Hours through volunteer programs to America's Promise through the year 2000. It was the intent of this commitment to touch those in need with the Disney magic and make a positive impact on their lives and the future of America. Disney VoluntEARS led the effort and in November of 2000, one month ahead of schedule, we achieved the one- million-hour goal.