Disney Hand
Disney Hand

Creativity Gallery


The Story of Nick and Bluebud

Once upon a time there were two fairies named Nick and Bluebud who lived together in the forest next to the stream in a house made of seashells. Nick has blue skin and a blue feather around his waist. Bluebud has a chestnut instead of feet and green arms and blue skin with rose petals as wings.

Nick and Bluebud both protect the stream because they both love fish and fish live in water. They have houses all up stream in case they have to go there. Nick's favorite thing to do is to ride on the backs of fish. Nick hates it when people put garbage in the stream. All the fairies like Nick and Bluebud because they protect the fish and the stream so the other fairies can have clean water to drink and healthy fish to ride on. Nick and Bluebud communicate by singing.

- Kai

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