
Middle School: Science - 7th grade integrated Science; TV Technology
Warren G. Phillips
Plymouth Community Intermediate
Plymouth, MA
"My favorite teacher was Mr. Bleakney, my 7th grade science teacher. After teaching 7th grade science for 28 years, many of my students have gone on to become teachers. At least 3 have become middle school science teachers, thus preserving the species. One student is teaching at my school and I was assigned to be her mentor. We have shared many ideas and lessons, and this summer, we will be co-teaching at summer science camp!"
-- Warren
"A trip to warren's classroom is a celebration of respect for important learning, a great study in teaching methodology, a love for all kids and the greatest display of energy and fun that a school could ever dream of. Warren will do just about anything to give his students opportunities to learn science."
-- Lyman Goding, Principal
Warren's science environment is exciting, authentic, and experiential. He calls it "emotional learning." Students rush to his room to play with "science toys." Warren uses a wide range of teaching tools to answer students' questions. His spontaneous response includes specific demonstrations, songs and stories that cement their facts, ideas and scientific concepts while creating for them unforgettable experiences.
Other Highlights:
- Time For Kids/Chevrolet Excellence in Teaching Award, 2002 Teacher of the Year
- Finalist Mass. Presidential Award in Secondary Science, 2001, 2002, & 2003
- Above and Beyond Award Winner, 2002, 2003 (Mass. Software and Internet Council)
- Semi-Finalist Ed Tech Teacher of the Year, 2003 (Technology & Learning Magazine)
- Jason Project Curriculum Trainer, 1997-present, Certified trainer 2001
- National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certified in Early Adolescent Science Education, 2000
- Pilgrim Summer Science Camp instructor, 1999-present
- Curriculum writer for Prentice-Hall's Science Explorer textbook series, 1997-2002
- Project SEED curriculum writer and in-service trainer, 1994-2000
- Curriculum writer for the Plymouth Public Schools, 1995-present
- Teacher at College Gate Easton Campus Program for gifted/talented students in science, 1990-1992
- Naturalist at Ponkapoag Outdoor Center in Canton, MA, 1975-1976
- Involved in producing, directing and editing 180+ television shows broadcast on local cable in Plymouth, MA.
- Producer of weekly P.C.I.S. school news show shown on local cable, 1990-present
- Initiator and coordinator of a three-day outdoor education field trip at Camp Bournedale for 600+ students annually, 1983-present
- Initiated business-school sponsorship program for needy students to attend Camp Bournedale, 1990- present
- Grant winner and participant in Growlab program. Have done class experiments using Wisconsin Fast Seeds, M.W.R.A. sludge pellets, NASA Apogee wheat seeds, Soil Moist polymers, and many others, 1993-present
- Teacher Mentor Program participant, 1996-present
- Science Fair organizer and judge at P.C.I.S. and regional Science Fairs,1985-present
- Worked on science curriculum frameworks including Internet related sites; 1995-present
- Webmaster for the Plymouth Public Schools On-Line, K-12 Science Curriculum available at http://pilgrims.net/plymouth/schools/Science/index.htm
- Webmaster for the Blake Planetarium http://pilgrims.net/plymouth/schools/Science/Planetarium/dailypla.htm
- Advisory Board Member for Docutek (classroom web portal site) http://www.docutek.com/company/advisors.html
- Organizer of the annual P.C.I.S. student Olympics, 1990-present
- Produced 2 CD's of science songs entitled "Mr. P's Sing-A-Long Science." These songs reinforce science standards and information learned in the classroom, 1999 and 2002
- Worked with sewing and chorus teachers with Periodic Table project (quilt, T-shirts, and music), 1994-present
- Science web page with lessons and class info online at http://wphillips.com (more than 60,000 visitors)
- Workshop presenter at Bridgewater State College, Revere Public Schools, Plymouth Public Schools, and M.A.S.T., N.S.T.A., JASON, and M.A.S.S. conventions, 1988-present
- Coordinated construction of four gardens at P.C.I.S. by organizing and maintaining a Garden Club, 1995-present
- Initiator of the construction of a Millennium nature trail in Halifax, MA. - the Halifax Historical Society, 1999-present
- Volunteer entertaining (keyboard) at annual church suppers, 1995-present
- Initiator and organizer of McDonald's Restaurants annual fundraising activities for seventh grade students
- P.A.L.M.S. Science and Technology Teacher Leader,1999
- Recipient of an N.S.F. Grant in Mathematics & Sciences, 1992-1993, 1988
- Winner - the Plymouth County Education Association Honor Award for Contributions to the Teaching Profession, 1994
- Grant winner from the National Gardening Association, 1995, 1998, 2000
- Web page awards: Golden Web Award, Busy Educator Award, Cutting Edge Educator, MiddleSchoolScience.com