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Disney Hand

Learning: DisneyHand Teacher Awards: Honorees in Action

What is it that makes our Honorees so special? It's their exciting, innovative teaching methods and strategies. Click on the pictures below to find out more about three of our Honorees and what they are doing to help their students succeed:

Bill Coate Bill Coate

Bill calls his teaching approach "The Madera Method" because it focuses on the history of Madera, CA. His students research the lives of Madera's founding pioneers, bringing history to life before their eyes.

Astro 1 Team
The ASTRO-1 Team
Brenda Goldstein, Andrew Lucia, and Vonneke Miller

Brenda, Andrew and Vonneke see science as the "hook" they can use to get students interested in learning. This team believes that together, using themes related to space, they can help each student reach for the stars.

Catherine Harper Catherine Harper

Sometimes the most important lessons are learned outside the classroom. Honoree Catherine Harper traveled to Japan to find out how Japanese education methods compare to the American approach.

To request a copy of the first two volumes in The Creative Classroom Series, including videotaped vignettes from the classrooms of several DisneyHand Teacher Awards Honorees, click here.