Following the success of Disney's The Princess Diaries, Disney unveils a new "pop" princess...Lizzie McGuire. Disney's "The Lizzie McGuire Movie" serves up the comic foibles of lovable Lizzie McGuire and her pals Gordo, Kate, and Ethan, who all pack their bags and plan to live la dolce vita while on a class trip to Italy. Once there, Lizzie is mistaken for Isabella (who is part of an Italian pop duo) and begins to fall for Paolo (Isabella's handsome Italian pop star former boyfriend). When Lizzie's mom, dad, and annoying brother Matt get wind of this, they all jet their way to the boot country. Disney's "The Lizzie McGuire Movie" follows Lizzie's transformation from a gawky teen to a beautiful pop star with fun music capturing the whirlwind of surprising events!
Why NotHilary Duff
The Tide Is High (Get the Feeling)Atomic Kitten
All Around the WorldCooler Kids
What Dreams Are Made of (Ballad Version) Paolo & Isabella
Shining StarJump5
VolareVitamin C
Open Your Eyes (To Love)LMNT
You Make Me Feel Like a Star (Lizzie Mix) The Beu Sisters
Supermodel (You Better Work)Taylor Dayne
What Dreams Are Made ofLizzie McGuire
On an Evening in RomaDean Martin
Girl in the BandHaylie Duff
Orchestral Suite from The Lizzie McGuire Movie (Score)