From one of the most celebrated filmmakers in the history of animated cinema comes the 2002 Academy Award® winner for Best Animated Feature Film, Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away. Filled with astonishing animation and epic adventure, Spirited Away is a wondrous fantasy about a young girl, Chihiro, trapped in a strange new world of spirits. When her parents undergo a mysterious transformation, she must call upon the courage she never knew she had to free herself and return her family to the outside world. Praised by moviegoers and critics, it's a fantastic tale the whole family will want to experience over and over again. Also on DVD for the first time is KiKi's Delivery Service, the magical adventure of an enterprising young witch seeking her place in the world, and available for the first time ever, is Castle In The Sky, an imaginative tale full of mystery and adventure, and a legendary floating city. All three DVDs are spectacular 2-disc sets.