Disneynature Chimpanzee in theaters friday. Find show times near you! Disneynature Chimpanzee in theaters friday. Find show times near you! Disneynature Chimpanzee in theaters friday. Find show times near you!
See it opening weekend and Disneynature will make a donation in your honor to save Chimpanzees today and tomorrow.
Disneynature Chimpanzee in theaters friday. Find show times near you!
Playdom, through the Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund, will donate .20 to the Jane Goodall Institute for the Disneynature Tchimpounga Natural Reserve project for each install and tutorial completion of customers who play the Animal Kingdom game on Facebook as referred from the URL www.PlayAnimalKingdom.com during the promotion term of April 12 - 26, 2012. Minimum to be contributed: $100,000 with a maximum of $250,000.