What is Disney's Blast Affiliate Network?
Disney's Blast Affiliate Network pays you $10.00 every time someone signup for a trial membership on Disney’s Blast as the result of a click originating from your Web site. This Affiliate Network is for Web sites that cater to parents.   Your commissions will be paid out monthly.

Can anyone become a member?
We want to work with any Web site that can send qualified traffic for registrations to Disney's Blast. Any site may submit an application. Based on this application, a site may be incorporated into the Disney's Blast Affiliate Network. Most Web sites will qualify to participate, however, we may reject Web sites we feel are unsuitable in our sole discretion, such as sites dealing with porn, gambling, cigarettes or alcohol.

How often do members get paid?
Disney’s Blast Affiliate Network members are paid monthly when your earned commission exceeds $25.00. If your commission for that month is less than $25.00, the fee will be carried over to the next month.

What are Return Days?
Return days are the number of days that can elapse between an initial visit by a referred customer and a return visit in which that customer makes a purchase. Disney’s Blast allows up to 30 Return Days.

How do Disney's Blast Affiliate Network members set up their sites?
Once we accept your application, we'll email you with the information you need to find all the tools you need to get started. Additionally, the Disney's Blast staff is available to answer any questions you may have in setting up your site. You can reach them via email at bvig.marketing@dig.com.

What type of support will I receive with Disney’s Blast?
Disney's Blast offers professional and experienced affiliate merchandising and marketing support that is specifically directed at your profitability. Quite simply, the more profit you make with our products, the more profit we make too.Do you need some merchandising guidance or suggestions? Do you need sales and marketing strategy? Do you have questions about using our system or creating links? Do you wonder what might be the most appropriate product (or group of products) to place on your site? Disney's Blast Affiliate Support Representatives are always ready to answer your questions, tell you about new products, give you ideas about how to improve your sales, and recommend solutions.

For assistance you may contact us at bvig.marketing@dig.com.

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