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Walt "meets" Snow White when the Kansas City newsboys are invited to a special presentation of the silent Marguerite Clark version of the film. Walt is enchanted by the tale.

At McKinley High School, Walt, who has been taking art classes at night and on the weekends, serves as a cartoonist for the campus magazine "The Voice."

Walt joins the Red Cross Ambulance Corps and serves overseas in France.

WW I ends.

Walt gets his first job as a commercial artist in Kansas City at the Pesmen-Rubin Commercial Art Studio. He meets and befriends animator Ub Iwerks and the two form a partnership. Ub would be the first animator Walt would hire and the first to draw Mickey Mouse.

The average income is $1,179, the average cost of a loaf of bread is 11 cents.

Prohibition is introduced.

Walt goes to work for Kansas City Film Ad and creates his first animated shorts, the Newman Laugh-O-Grams, for a local theater.

Each week up to 100 million people - nearly 80 percent of the country's population - go to the movies.