Thank You for Being a Part of Disney Preschool Time Online!

Disney Preschool Time Online has closed its doors. Please read below for more information about your membership.


Technical Support Questions


    To completely uninstall Disney Preschool Time Online from computer you need to remove the following files. Please follow all of the instructions below:

    1. Open the Mac Finder.
    2. Select your Home Directory -> Library Folder -> Application Support folder.
    3. Select the Disney Preschool Time Online folder and drag to your Trash.


    To completely uninstall the old version of Preschool Time Online from your PC, please follow the instructions below:

    1. Go to Start Menu > Programs > Preschool Time
    2. Click "Uninstall Playhouse Disney"
    3. Follow command prompts to complete uninstallation process.

    To completely uninstall the old version of Preschool Time Online from your computer, please follow the instructions below:
    1. Select your HD -> Library -> Application Support -> DigStream folder and drag to your Trash.
    2. Select your HD -> Library -> Application Support -> Disney and drag to your Trash.
    3. Select your HD -> Library -> Application Support -> DisneyPlayhouseOnline and drag to your Trash.
    4. Select your HD -> Library -> Internet Plug-Ins -> DisneyPluginLoader.plugin folder and drag to your Trash.
    5. Select your HD -> Library -> Internet Plug-Ins -> DisneyPluginLoader.plugin folder PlayhouseDisneyDownloaderPlugin.bundle and drag to your Trash.
    6. Select your User Profile -> Library -> Application Support -> DisneyPlayhouseOnline folder and drag to your Trash.
    7. Select your User Profile (under places) -> Library -> Preferences -> com.go.playhouse.PlayhouseDisneyDownloader.plist and drag to your Trash.
    8. Once all the files are in the trash, delete the trash can. If the trash cannot be completely deleted, make sure that you have quit Safari and retry.