All-Stars Playbook: How to Do a Volunteer Project

Find a Goal You Want to Reach
The first thing you need to do is to figure out what problem you're interested in tackling in your community. To get focused, think about the following:

Examine what you see and talk to other people. Is the water in your neighborhood undrinkable? Are there few jobs or activities for young people? Is the homeless population where you live getting larger each year? Ask what is behind these problems. Talk to other kids, your parents, your teachers and other adults about the issue and why it exists. Do some research, starting with your local newspaper. Here are some questions to ask yourself and others:

  • If resources were unlimited, what would you like to see changed in your community?
  • What problems present a great danger?
  • What are some of the root causes of these problems?
  • What are some actions that can be taken?
  • How will these actions create the vision we have for our community?
What interests and abilities do you have? Identify what you're good at and what you love to do. Are you outgoing, have a passion for making music, or like using your hands? If you connect your volunteer idea to your personal life you will get more out of your project. For example, if you love animals you could organize a pet walk-a-thon to raise money for a local animal shelter. On a separate piece of paper, jot down all of your talents, hobbies, and interests. Then pick a social issue or a group of people (like homelessness or senior citizens) and see if you can think of a way to use your personal interest in a campaign or project related to the issue.