2004 Team All-Star Winners

Deangelo Y., 14, Delonzo Y., 14, Becca Y., 14, and Detamara Y.,11
Kalamazoo, Michigan

2003-2004 Team All-Star Winners When they discovered that some kids in a foster-care group had been given new backpacks, the Yurcek family thought it would be a nice idea to fill those backpacks with school supplies.

So Deangelo, Delonzo, Becca and Detamara set up Kool-Aid stands, started soda can drives and went door to door to get donations to buy crayons, markers, pencils, glue and notebooks.

Their Backpacks for Kids program keeps growing - they already have 500 backpacks ready to fill for the next school year.

Q. Why did you decide to create Backpacks for Kids?

    Delonzo: Our mom and dad adopted us from the foster-care system. We remembered what it was like when we didn't have much, so we decided to help out.

Q. Did you each have certain jobs?

    Detamara: I helped count backpacks and put them in order. Delonzo: I did a lot of the talking to people, like to store managers, to find out when backpacks would be marked down.

    Becca: I did a lot of the organizing - making sure all the markers were stored together and keeping track of the money.

Q. What would you tell other kids about volunteering?

    Detamara: It makes me proud - and it's a good thing to help others and not just think about yourself.