Environmentality: Disney & Animals: Disney's Animal Kingdom

Satellite Telemetry Projects at the Wildlife Tracking Center
One of the most important questions that needs to be answered when working to conserve any species is "Where does the animal live and how does it use its habitat?" Sometimes researchers can easily gather this information by following animals in their habitats. But how can we determine the needs of animals that range or migrate over thousands of miles of land or ocean?

In the Wildlife Tracking Center at Disney's Animal Kingdom, we highlight three different projects that use satellite telemetry to help monitor the locations of animals. The animals carry satellite transmitters that send location information to satellites orbiting the earth. The satellites store the information about the animals' location. This information is then downloaded and analyzed, and animal locations are entered on the map. As we track these animals we can learn more about their behavior, monitor the reintroduction process of rehabilitated animals, and learn more about areas that need to be conserved and protected.

Satellite telemetry provides scientists with a wonderful opportunity to study the movement patterns of animals that would be difficult to study using traditional methods. Every year new advances are made with the technology, which open up more opportunities for exploration that can lead to a greater understanding of animal behavior.

Satellite Telemetry Map

Green Sea Turtle
Click here for more information on tracking turtles.

Swallow-Tailed Kite
Click here for more information on tracking kites.

Click here for more information on tracking manatees.


Swallow-Tailed Kite Green Sea Turtle Manatee