September to October 2006
Teachers and students create a Disney Show Your Character volunteer team at each school. A Disney VoluntEARS project advisor is assigned to each team to help facilitate the development of the project.
October to November 2006
Working with the Volunteer Center of Los Angeles, the team reaches out to local non-profits to form partnerships and identify projects.
Projects are selected and approved by the team, schools and Disney.
Disney provides $500 project start-up funds.
December 2006 to April 2007
Projects are scheduled and implemented during this period and are self-paced.
April 2007
Deadline for all projects in order to qualify for the Disney grants.
Participating seniors submit applications to become eligible for a Disney college scholarship.
May 2007
Scholarship winners are selected.
Disney Show Your Character celebration at The Walt Disney Studios. Students, teachers, non-profits and the community are invited to share the results of the completed projects. The Disney grants are presented to the students, schools and non-profits.